1 | 美国士兵虽聪明自夸,有时发出讥讽的言辞,但总是一个有理智的人。 | The American soldier, in spite of wisecracking, sometimes cynical speech, is an intelligent human being | |
2 | 谋杀一个人对另一个的非法杀害,尤指有预谋的 | The unlawful killing of one human being by another,especially with premeditated malice. | |
3 | 穆罕默德是诚实、公正、仁慈、同情心、真诚及勇敢的人类典范。虽然他是一个男人,但他却远离所有邪恶特质,并为真主及其后世入天堂之荣誉而孤身奋战。特别是在他所有的言行中,他始终对真主心悦诚服务并怀着敬畏之心。 | Muhammad was a perfect example of an honest, just, merciful, compassionate, truthful, and brave human being . Though he was a man, he was far removed from all evil characteristics and strove solely for the sake of God and His reward in the Heaven | |
4 | 那个歹徒人面兽心。 | The scoundrel had the face of a human being , but the heart of a beast. | |
5 | 男人的体力)。不过,它多指与人类的相似性 | manlike physical strength;often,however,it merely indicates resemblance to a human being | |
6 | 你认为有可能通过改变人体遗传物质来制造出"完美的"人吗 | Do you think it will ever be possible to change human genetic material in order to produce the "perfect" human being ? | |
7 | 躯干人或动物的躯干或主体 | The trunk or torso of a human being or an animal. | |
8 | 然而如果你能尽量敞开思想,那么,从开头几句迂回曲折的话里,可以发现那些几乎难以觉察的迹象和暗示,然后会把你引到一个与众不同的人物面前去。 | But if you open your mind as widely as possible, then signs and hints of almost imperceptible fineness, from the twist, and turn of the first sentences, will bring you into the presence of a human being unlike any other. | |
9 | 人不吃东西能活多久 | How long can a human being go(ie survive)without food? | |
10 | 人或动物的躯干或主体。 | The trunk or torso of a human being or an animal. | |
11 | 人类和环境竞争。 | The human being struggles with his environment. | |
12 | 人类仍有尾巴退化的痕迹。 | A human being has the vestige of a tail. | |
13 | 人类是灵长类动物 | The human being is a primate. | |
14 | 人们渴求有一种成就感,渴望有能力用自己的手、用自己的脑、用自己的意志办事。英国作家塞尔斯。 | The human being longs for a sense of being accomplished, of being able to do things. with his hand, with his mind, with his will.--Leonard. Saylis, British writer | |
15 | 人是文化动物,因此运用语言文字是任何一个人在学习认识自我,理解他人和了解自然的过程中都不可或缺的条件。 | Man is a cultural animal, and the use of language is indispensable for a human being to learn about himself, understand his fellow creatures, and comprehend Nature. | |
16 | 人兽性关系人与兽之间的性关系 | Sexual relations between a human being and an animal. | |
17 | 人性的美、智慧的美、艺术的美,以及人类征服自然的伟大的力量之美贯穿于这一追求的全过程。 | The beauty of humanity, wisdom, art and the beauty of conquest by the human being of the nature run through the whole process of this pursuit. | |
18 | 人与兽之间的性关系。 | Sexual relations between a human being and an animal. | |
19 | 人自身的生产 | production of human being itself | |
20 | 儒家思想教导我们,学习如何做人相等于学习如何做一个有道德观念的人,最重要的是,儒家思想专注于目前的生命,并深信人是可臻完美的。 | Confucianism teaches one that learning to be human is learning to be moral and above all, Confucianism celebrates this life and believes in the perfectibility of the human being . | |
21 | --塞弗里诺·安蒂诺里塞弗里诺·安蒂诺里是一位医生,他在不孕夫妇中的名声远远比不上他要克隆人的国际声誉。 | Severino Antinori is a physician whose reputation among infertile couples is far overshadowed by his international fame as the man who wants to clone a human being | |
22 | 身体,尤指块头很大的人的身体。 | The body of a human being , especially when large. | |
23 | 市场应该形成这种思想:社会必须珍视、关心和教育每一个人。 | Instead, the marketplace must nurture the idea that society must value, care for, and educate each human being . | |
24 | 是人总要犯错误。 | Every man is liable to error. (或:No human being can be free from mistakes.) | |
25 | 是日已过,命已随减,如少水鱼 | the day we have now passing by like arrows,with our life decreasing by every second,we,human being just like those fish in a pond with less water in day by day. | |
26 | 兽:动物而非人类,尤指体型大的四足哺乳动物。 | beast:an animal other than a human being , especially a large four-footed mammal. | |
27 | 所以我拿恭敬的幕布把它包裹起来,藏在我灵魂的最深处,没有哪一个人知道它的存在,甚至我的妹妹也不知道。 | consequently, I have covered it with the veil of respect, and hid it in the innermost recesses of my soul, and no human being , not even my sister, is aware of its existence | |
28 | 他的插图和独立图画的共同点是藏在欢闹的表面下,有一种对于普通人的脆弱的同情心(克里斯托弗·安德列亚) | Common to both his illustrations and his independent paintings.and lurking below their rumbustious surface,is a sympathy for the vulnerability of the ordinary human being (Christopher Andreae) | |
29 | 他们不了解,不但在资本主义社会,就是在社会主义社会,也不能抽象地讲人的价值和人道主义. | They don’t understand that neither in capitalist society nor in socialist society can there be an abstract value of the human being or abstract humanism. | |
30 | 他奇异地,不安地,半猜疑地望着她。她觉得他并没有对她说真话。说真切点,他并没有对他自己说真话。他厌恶人家提起什么有特别地方的人。 | He looked at her curiously, uneasily, half-suspiciously. And she felt he wasn’t telling her the real truth; he wasn’t telling himself the real truth, that was it. He disliked any suggestion of a really exceptional human being . |